No deliveries between 14th to 19th Mar 2025

Attain Immediate Relief From
Constipation With ONLY
This Natural Food

Break-FREE From Constipation and Regain
Control Over Your Lifestyle

Are you having problems with Bowel Movement?

That Pain... Stucked Feeling... or Tummy Discomfort...

You’re not alone.

In fact, over 25% of Singapore’s population
suffered ConstipationAnd if this is what you’re going
through, we'd like you to meet Clarice -
Real-Life Story


Not Just Constipation, But CHRONIC

For Years... Clarice had Chronic Constipation.

It came to a point where Over-The-Shelf Probiotics and Supplements no longer worked well, and she thought to accept her fate

Until one day she discovered THE GRAIN FACTORY Organic Milk Kefir, and tried it for the first time.

What happened next was completely unprecedented.

She saw Immediate Results, and even had bowel movements within a day!

Now, let Clarice herself share her personal story with you.

Click on the video below to play.




So you might ask, How Can Milk Kefir Bring Such Miraculous Results?

Well, we have to be frank here. The results Clarice
got, was Only Unique to THE GRAIN FACTORY Organic Milk Kefir.

And they are Scientifically Proven. If you'd like to
find out more, h
ere are the 3 Simple Reasons why.


#1: A Whopping 400 CFU PER GRAM of Lactobacillus Count.


Did you know… That for Each and Every Gram (not just per bottle) of our Milk Kefir you consume, your body is ingesting a Four Hundred Million Colony Forming Unit of LIVE Lactobacillus?


It's no wonder Clarice got such amazing results!

This is not some figures plucked from no where. It's Certified by a Singapore SAC Accredited Lab, and is also a True Scientific Count of the Actual LIVE Lactobacillus present in the kefir.

Not some coined-up term which you might have noticed on certain marketed probiotic products...

#2: It is Still ALIVE... As You

Besides such a High Concentration of Lactobacillus Count, the Kefir that are delivered to you are Freshly Made on Each Day Itself Only.

And therefore every probiotic in each bottle of Kefir are Still ALIVE... Even As You Consume.

They are still Multiplying, Fermenting, and Growing (in your tummy).

We are only able to do this after thorough Research & Development, and it's a truly remarkable process that perhaps made our Kefir the only Probiotic Product in the Market capable of Colonizing Your Gut even after consumption.


#3: It's Not Just "No-Added"... It's ZERO Artificial Ingredients Used.

Many products in the market, if you notice, stated 'No Added'' so and so ingredients...

However, did you know that we have ZERO Artificial Ingredients used in all our Kefir Products? Completely Zero.

And this is the reason why our Kefirs are not only sweet and fragrant to taste, and are:

  • Dilute

  • Watery

  • Mass-Distributed in Supermarkets


Don’t take our words for it. See for yourself.


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